Why You Must Use Linux

Making a case for the best operating system in history.

The Startup


For those who may not know, Linux is an open source operating system developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Since then, it has, slowly but surely, made its way into nearly every device that is not a laptop through its various flavors and variations, more commonly known as distributions — or distros.

Most of you reading are likely reading this on Windows or MacOS. I usually recommend Mac users to make the switch if they have an older version of the computer. However, if you are on the Windows side of things, I want you to heavily reconsider changing operating systems. Why, you may ask? Let me tell you…

1 — It can be run by nearly every laptop.

This is a huge pro. If you have an outdated laptop that you love to death but is close to death, you can breath new life into it by updating its OS to Linux. I have a 2015 Acer laptop. It operated really well the first year or so I had it. Then, just like many other laptops, I noticed it’s performance and stability deteriorate the more I used it. This is not something that is fun to watch happen, especially when you love your devices as much as I do. So, I took the leap of faith, installed Ubuntu 20.10, and told the installer to wipe my hard drive clean, leaving me with…

