Why You Should Create a Lifestyle Business

A lifestyle business is a business set up and run by its founders primarily with the aim of sustaining a particular level of income and no more; or to provide a foundation from which to enjoy a particular lifestyle.

Vladimir Agaev
The Startup


Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash

Back in the days when I had a startup, I met a very cool guy; his name was Gareth. We clicked almost immediately! Our values were similar, and we were both looking for the same thing in life: freedom!

Following the British tradition, Gareth wanted to celebrate our new friendship in a bar. After a couple of pints, he told me something that completely changed my life!

Gareth loved to travel, so naturally, his phone was full of pictures of people and beautiful landscapes. The crazy part? He was traveling all over the world and worked only 8 hours per week.

Gareth had a lifestyle business. In fact, he had several of them. It seemed like a far cry compared to my life in London, where I worked 12 hours a day for my startup. I was jealous and hyped!

Fast forward a couple of years, I left my startup, and today I too am building a lifestyle business. Let’s see why and how you can build your own!

