Why You Should Launch a Startup During a Recession

A bad economy doesn’t mean it’s a wrong time to launch that idea you’ve had

Richard Fang
The Startup


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The tech world has enjoyed a fruitful recent decade with a growing economy and more startups than ever before.

With a healthier ecosystem to support startups, including resources, incubators, and funding, it’s no wonder we’ve seen tremendous growth over the last ten years.

In recent months, however, we’ve seen a shaky economy due to the pandemic. With uncertainty growing and a potential recession hitting if the market crashes again, startups are feeling the pressure during this tough time.

So why launch a startup in this climate?

You might be thinking, you just said a bunch of negative things, so why would starting a new company be any good?

According to Paul Graham, legendary entrepreneur and VC (well known for starting Y Combinator, the accelerator that had startups like Airbnb and Stripe in its cohort), a good time to begin a company is during a bad economy.

On top of this, in one of the recent TWIST podcasts (Jason Calacanis) he also talks about how starting a podcast in our current climate isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

