Why You Will Fail If You Go Straight For Your “World-Changing Idea”

And how to actually go for it. Brought to you by the founders of Tesla and LinkedIn.

🚀 Ch Daniel
The Startup


Tesla’s Elon Musk and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman

“I have this startup idea that will completely change the world!”

“My startup could change millions of lives! I just need to raise millions so that I can solve the “chicken-egg” problem of user acquisition really fast”

“I wish I knew how to solve the problem Uber had: not many drivers equals not many riders. And vice-versa. How did they go about it?!?”

Tell me if any of the above resemble something you ever said.

You are probably ambitious enough to want to change the world — and that’s a feat not many can be congratulated for.

You’ve got the will, for which I congratulate you. However, going straight for your world-changing idea might be the worst way to start.

Don’t listen to me though — go for it, fail enough times and come back here. Or let me just save you the time by showing you how it could play out in a better way.

How to go about changing the world through your startup’s product

