Why You’ll Epically Fail Within 6 Months of Being a Digital Nomad

Don’t make the same mistakes I did

Brittany Kathleen
The Startup


How is this person even getting WiFi? | Photo by Daria : on Unsplash

6 months into being completely independent and I hit a wall. Sitting in my Mexico City apartment, crying, the dreaded truth that I failed loomed over me: I was failing as a digital nomad.

2020 saw me finally fulfill my biggest dream: becoming completely location independent. Like many Millennials and Gen Z’ers in the workforce, I wanted to have it all. If you’re anything like me and hundreds of others, you also dream of being location-independent.

Travel the world full time? Check.

Make a paycheck I could finally live on comfortably? Check.

Start saving for retirement for the first time? Check.

One thing led to another, though, and I found myself scrambling. I was alone in another country — and worse still lonely — with my main sources of income dried up and a depression so deep I had no desire to find a new job.

The truth is that I utterly failed as a digital nomad. You don’t have to follow in my footsteps.

So how can you tell if it's going to all go down the drain?

You Don’t Have a Plan.



Brittany Kathleen
The Startup

Frequently broke, hardly glamorous. Find me eating (and hiking) my way around the world.