Why Your Company Probably Runs Like C.RA.P.

Four Things Your Company Probably Does that Kills Productivity and Employee Morale

Steve Glaveski
The Startup


The eight hour workday is just one of the hallmarks of the industrial revolution that still characterises the modern company.

Back then, most of us worked on assembly lines and in coal-mines.

We were moving widgets. Hours worked could be conflated with output, and presence could be conflated with productivity.

But the nature of work has in large part moved away from the packing of widgets into boxes, and towards knowledge work.

When it comes to knowledge work, what matters isn’t time but attention.

It turns out that we can actually get groundbreaking work done on just four hours of attention a day — as Charles Darwin did with his penning of the theory of evolution — four hours is in fact the upper limit for deep, focused work.

But most of us are lucky to get just one hour of focused work in.

And that’s because the companies we work for — or the companies we’ve built — run like C.R.A.P., and here’s why.

C: Consensus Seeking



Steve Glaveski
The Startup

CEO of Collective Campus. HBR writer. Author of Time Rich, and Employee to Entrepreneur. Host of Future Squared podcast. Occasional surfer.