Why Your Nascent Startup Should Use Javascript for Everything

Kamil Nguyen Van
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2020


Javascript is eating the world

Javascript has been doing the same thing to the world of programming languages that English has been doing to the world of natural languages.

Nowadays, javascript is the only language with which you can code both backend and frontend (read more about scala.js ang gopherjs and others below). Besides, you can also code your native apps with javascript. One area in which it still lags behind is data science where python is still the king, But don’t underestimate javascript, you can still do lots of stuff with it in this domain.

It’s all about ecosystems, not languages

When a Scala backend developer jumps into the frontend codebase she’s overwhelmed not only by the foreign-looking javascript syntax and CSS.

She’s also overwhelmed by the new conventions such as project structure and file naming. JSON is manipulated in a very different way. Installing dependencies for the project is also new. Many, many other mundane problems will be solved in new ways.

This problem could be solved, if instead of Scala we used Node.js in the backend. At this point, objections could be made along the following lines:



Kamil Nguyen Van
The Startup

Software engineer and language learning enthusiast. Currently building www.tiengos.com