Why you’ve got UX and UI all mixed up

We’re halfway into 2019 and you would think we were past the UX/UI conundrum, but some people still can’t tell the difference between the User Experience and the User Interface.

Cristian Bosch
The Startup


There’s an ocean of content out there attempting to explain the User Interface and the User Experience, but most do a poor job by using very simple language that falls short of the real thing. In most explanations UX and UI design are presented as separate disciplines altogether, and although they are different concepts, in the practice of design they are more connected than most people think. So for those readers still trying to make sense of this, here goes my attempt at demystifying UX and UI.

To get past the confusion we must first understand the multidimensionality of UX and UI. In most cases when we refer to UX or UI we are talking from the perspective of the USER who’s using an interface and having an experience. That’s all fine and good, but that’s just one angle. It just so happens that there’s another perspective that get’s shuffled into the conversation when referring to UX/UI, and that’s the perspective of the DESIGNER. In the following paragraphs I’ll deconstruct these concepts in both dimensions, with the hope of clearing up the murky water around this topic.

The Dual Perspective of UX and UI

