Will Corona Beer Survive the Coronavirus?

Gisella Tan
The Startup
Published in
7 min readApr 23, 2020


Photo by Jake Bradley on Unsplash

Corona beer — an inoffensive pale lager whose name, unfortunately, coincides with a deadly disease — might not survive the coronavirus.

Since I began adjusting to our new stay-at-home reality in early March, I’ve questioned the stupidity of people every time I’ve scrolled through Twitter, read the news, or watched a recap of yet another nonsensical press conference.

I was subsequently amused but unfazed by photos showing stocked shelves of Corona six-packs in otherwise entirely empty beer aisles. Given the abundance of misinformation on my social feeds, it seemed consistent with my preconceived prejudice that a segment of the population would associate the beer with the virus.

Could the ignorance and unfounded fears from a small minority lead to Corona beer’s demise? I had to find out.

What happened?

“Corona Beer Virus” began trending as a search term in late January. Netizens shared memes of the brand’s link with the virus — from photos of other beers isolating themselves from Corona bottles, to…



Gisella Tan
The Startup

I write about Gen Z, marketing, Hong Kong, and my immigrant identity. Email: gisellatanx@gmail.com