Will COVID accelerate digital transformation in organizations? It’ll be much tougher than you think

Andy Teoh
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2020


Almost every organization, big or small, has some type of digital transformation roadmap and has made at least some investment in exploring digital. In the past few weeks, an image floated around social media platforms, suggesting that COVID is the main force driving digital transformation in their companies. Before COVID, digital transformation had already been a ubiquitous topic in the business world. However, COVID might be the mega-event that creates urgency and forces every organization to accelerate digital.

Having a cool and flamboyant digital strategy or investment is no longer the differentiating factor. Instead, the differentiating factor is the ability to translate the strategy into valuable and practical implementation. Whether you are a leader or just an employee in an organization, I do hope that the content below can provoke your thoughts on digital.

1. The odds of digital success are proportional to the ability to draw insights from data. Before that, learn how to properly collect data through well-designed experiments.

One of the powers of digital is that it leaves behind digital footprints that allow an organization to better understand and make sense of any online behaviors of its customers. We often hear about customer segmentation or personas as part of the marketing strategy but not many are fully utilizing the data in the right manner to help with segmentation. Or…



Andy Teoh
The Startup

Digital and Advanced Analytics Professional | Entrepreneurial Maybe? | Networker |