Me and Sofia — foto by the author

Will My Daughters Ever Drive a Car?

My daughters will grow as Autonomous Passengers in a new kind of mobility but will they need a driver's license?

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
8 min readDec 5, 2020


I am the father of three amazing daughters: Stella, a beautiful and smart 13 years old teenager, Sofia, an incredibly smart 3 years old and last but definitely not least… Emily, just one 1 old but already able to show all her strong and curious character.

These girls do their best to keep me busy with all those kinds of stuff that fathers must deal with every day and maybe it is too early to get worried about it.. but recently after a pleasant conversation with a friend that works like me in the transportation industry, I’ve started to hear in my mind an almost philosophical question:

My daughters are digital natives, but they still use a very analogic and traditional piece of paper to draw their amazing and fantastic animals and flowers at home and a lot of paper notebooks while learning at school… so the question is: will they need a driver’s license in 2038?

Well, considering how things are developing today, probably not… Let me tell you why…



Jair Ribeiro

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader