Will Netflix Do An Amazon?

As the on-demand market gets more crowded, can Netflix maintain the lead by pivoting its business model just like Amazon did to win the internet?

Ayan Halder
The Startup


Video Streaming apps

We are experiencing a surge in streaming services now more than ever — video, audio, podcast (both Apple and Spotify are head-on in the game). Quite a few video streaming services have already been announced in this already crowded market, and many more are yet to come.

Netflix, who followed Amazon to offer video-on-demand services, has pioneered the industry since its launch. However, it’s facing the heat now in the face of stiff competition and the anticipation of further market fragmentation.

According to latest Netflix earning’s call, “ The Los Gatos, Calif.-based company said it had 130,000 fewer domestic subscribers at the end of the second quarter compared with the end of the first, sending Netflix shares sliding more than 11% in after-hours trading Wednesday.”

What Amazon Did?

Amazon started as an aggregator — purchasing books from retailers at wholesale prices and selling…



Ayan Halder
The Startup

Product at Arkose Labs. I write about anti-fraud products and strategies.