Will Safety Protocols Protect Your Workforce?

What the workplace might look like as businesses reopen

Paul Myers MBA
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2020


A couple wearing facemasks outdoors — Will Safety Protocols Protect Your Workforce? by Paul Myers
Photo by Julian Wan on Unsplash

Safety measures are on the way. Contact tracking, temperature testing, intensive cleaning, PPE, and handshaking will be banned.

These are some of the measures required to minimize the spread. Most of which are set to be introduced as businesses reopen over the coming weeks.

Also, workers making their way back after the lockdown might need professional help. Post-trauma support to manage pandemic related anxiety or stress. Traumatic events, like the illness or death of a family member or friend, financial difficulties, health, or relationship problems.

There’s more. Employee concerns about job security, the risk of infection, or both, will be ever-present. Hanging like a dark cloud.

Should we reopen? Can we afford not to?

Let’s take a look at what lies ahead.

Corporate Responsibility

Companies planning to reopen should develop a business response plan. Measures to address and manage the level of risk and formulate a company-wide procedure so everyone is clear how to respond to a suspected case or an outbreak.



Paul Myers MBA
The Startup

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more ---