Will You Choose the Bigger Life?

This question helps me make decisions, define goals, and be a genuinely happier person

Linda Smith
The Startup


We spent months researching, considering and browsing. Purchasing a projector, speakers and screen, in order to host outdoor movie nights, was a fairly big, and expensive, deal.

Is it worth the cost? The effort? Do we even want to host a few dozen people at our house several times a year?

My tendency, you see, is to choose the easiest path. The safer option is always more appealing to me than the riskier, unknown one. I prefer comfort to change, security to challenges. But what, exactly, is the cost?

My bigger life

“If you play it safe in life you’ve decided that you don’t want to grow anymore.”
-Shirley Hufstedler

Since my inclination is to play it safe, I know I need to be intentional about pushing myself and leaning in to the unknown. When faced with a decision, I’m learning to ask myself this question: “Which option will lead me to the bigger life?”

I first became familiar with this concept from best-selling author and podcast host, Gretchen Rubin. It’s one of her go-to strategies when faced with a tough decision, and it’s also become one of mine.



Linda Smith
The Startup

content creator | creative | coffee-enthusiast | Enneagram 9