A Successor in the Horizon

Windows 10 Support Is Ending in 2025: What Does That Actually Mean?

A number of different things but, most importantly, that something new is coming

Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play
3 min readJun 16, 2021


Windows 10 is the most popular operating system for personal computers globally but it’s destined to be replaced in the next 4 years — or much, much earlier by the look of things. (Image: Microsoft)

Count on Microsoft to have a convenient change of heart about any number of important matters — and that now includes Windows 10, the operating system the Redmond giant called “the last version of Windows” when it was about to launch in July 2015. That phrase meant to imply that Windows 10 would be upgraded on a regular basis while its core would be slowly changing as needed for a very, very long time: an operating system essentially staying the same while evolving at a glacial pace. Things probably did not go as planned, though, because there’s an operating system after Windows 10 in Microsoft’s roadmap already and the company officially admits as much.

Anyone interested in visiting Microsoft’s webpage where the support period for every version of Windows 10 is clearly stated, will now find something that was not there a few days ago: Windows 10 Home and Pro now have a retirement date of 14/10/2025, a bit more than a decade after they were first released (enterprise editions are treated differently). As one cannot easily imagine Windows vanishing from the face of the Earth in four short years, this…



Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming | farkonas.com