With so Many Leadership Books, Why Are There so Many Bad Leaders?

It seems that leadership books outnumber good leaders by ten to one. Why?

N. K. Carlson
The Startup


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Each year, approximately 4.8 billion leadership books are written. Don’t check me on that. The amount of leadership books keeps increasing, but it seems that the results are not keeping up. In a recent study, only 35% of employees feel inspired by their boss. Clearly there is a disconnect between the books being written and the bosses doing the on the ground managing.

With all the great leadership advice out there, why do so many bosses continue to toil away as bad leaders? I believe there are four main reasons.

The Right People Don’t Read the Books

This is the most obvious reason. Have you ever read the perfect book that your boss should read? And then you have to avoid the temptation of gifting your boss that book because that’s an obvious hint to them about their poor leadership. Bad leaders just aren’t reading the leadership books that they should. This could be because many bad leaders don’t know they are bad leaders. Many operate under the assumption that they are actually good leaders, so they don’t see any reason to pick up a leadership book.

The Wrong People Read the Books



N. K. Carlson
The Startup

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: http://eepurl.com/gPIFRT