Women Freelancers Need to Start Charging More

Know your worth and then add tax

Vidhi Mohan
The Startup


Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Thanks to the global pandemic, there has been a sharp rise in freelancing opportunities. But the good news comes along with a harsh truth. According to research, women freelancers are paid 19.5% less than men. With the recent rise in awareness about feminism, the gender wage gap is narrowing down in a few professions. But when it comes to freelance work, there is a big disparity between how much men and women are charging their clients. The problem gets worse for women of color.

Why do women charge lower rates than men?

While freelancing allows women to work on their own terms and conditions, and ask for their own price, there are many other factors that influence how much a freelancer can charge a client. Industry standards are definitely what dictates a freelancer’s rates. A woman can’t charge more money simply because she wants to.

A freelancer may set their own rates but it is largely influenced by clients and other industry professionals. If all other women are charging much lower prices than you are, you won’t get clients. They will simply hire other freelancers and get the job done.

Another big problem when it comes to women deciding their freelancing rates is psychological. Due…



Vidhi Mohan
The Startup

Learning to embrace the true joys of life. For more information: www.vidhipssa.com