Work from home? Some strategies to stay productive. And sane!

14 things I’ve learned over 30 years of working from home

Sheryl Garratt
The Startup


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Here’s what I love about working from home.

  • You can start as early as you like, finish as late as you like, and take a long break in the middle if you enjoy lunching like a European.
  • All while wearing your most comfortable clothes.
  • You don’t have the hassle of the daily commute.
  • Nor do you have to deal with workmates, office politics, endless interruptions and pointless meetings.
  • You can put a laundry on during the day, have a soup bubbling on the stove, and eat cheaply and well without having to carry plastic containers of salad around.
  • And because of all the time you save, you should finish earlier, too.

Here’s what I hate about working from home.

  • The shame of answering the door at 3pm with your hair unbrushed, and your PJs still on.
  • You can go days without going outside, and travelling to meetings becomes a joy, because it means you can listen to podcasts or music in the car, or read on the train. Guilt free.
  • You often feel isolated…



Sheryl Garratt
The Startup

Writer; editor; coach, supporting creatives to step up and do their best work — and get paid for it! Find me at