Work-Life Balance For Aspiring Entrepreneurs Is Not Easy

But it’s the key to consistency and sustainability …

Nishu Jain
The Startup
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2024


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Have you ever read any Medieval Fantasy Novel? You know, the one with adventurers, fairies, witches, guilds, and mages.

I’ve always thought of entrepreneurs as adventurers. (Since they form their party with other people and explore the great unknown)

And in the chaotic universe of entrepreneurship, there exists a controversial concept whispered about in hushed tones around coffee machines and co-working spaces alike.

It goes by the name of “work-life balance”.

Some entrepreneurs are in favor of this, while others are adamantly opposed.

But why is it crucial for entrepreneurs to understand it? And perhaps most importantly, does it actually exist, or is it merely the stuff of legend?

To understand this, let us first decipher the cryptic runes of its definition.

Work-life balance, much like a unicorn in Silicon Valley, is the harmonious equilibrium between one’s professional endeavors and personal life.

For entrepreneurs, this balance is as vital as a well-oiled pitch deck, but just as difficult to achieve…



Nishu Jain
The Startup

Obsessed with Tech & Biz; Building my SaaS startup; Medium portfolio: