Pictured: From Amazon Day 1 Building overlooking the Amazon Spheres

Working at Amazon: Software Engineer

Just one person’s reflections on what Amazon does well

Published in
12 min readDec 12, 2019


I am a Frontend Engineer at AWS CloudFormation since July 2017. This has been my first and only job in software engineering and I thought that maybe I would write down some of thoughts about my experience thus far. Having friends in other teams within Amazon and other companies has given me some insight into some of the more unique traits about working at Amazon. And this probably needs to be said — my thoughts and opinions here are my own and in no way am I trying to represent Amazon.

The Leadership Principles

The Leadership Principles at Amazon have been one of the most influential tenets of corporate culture in the past few years. Numerous companies have adopted the same principles (with their own color) hoping to replicate the same kind of success that Amazon has achieved since its founding.

Consider just how rare it is for a company to expand its core business in so many ways with great success in just 25 years! Think: Since its founding, Amazon transitioned from an online bookstore to being an “everything” store. They practically invented cloud computing as a core business, redefined customer service, and even ventured into devices with unique technologies like Alexa, Fire, Kindle, etc…



Husband, student of JavaScript, love React! ex-attorney with J.D. from Georgetown Law