Working with Spreadsheets using Python

A mini guide on how to integrate your python skills for data reporting

Tarun Gupta
The Startup


Working with Python is a bliss in itself, most of the times. I have been involved with Python for more than two and a half years now, and for most of that time I hardly had any issues until I had to work with spreadsheets.

Python has easy to write syntax and dynamic style, which is why it is a great language for beginners to start with. But the benefits do not end there. Python can, and is used in many big products, such as the framework Django.

Django powers social media apps such as Instagram. Other examples are BitTorrent, Google App Engine, and Ubuntu Software Center. Even the core functionality of YouTube is written in Python.

All these examples testify to the robustness and usefulness of Python.

Being a great scripting language, developers prefer to use Python in scenarios where they have to play with and manipulate data. In my experience of working in a product based company, I have come across projects that require the data collected from products to be reported back to the clients.

This requires fetching data from the database and manipulating it into a presentable form, which is generally in a spreadsheet format. Having some…



Tarun Gupta
The Startup

A simple fellow writing stories, sharing experiences, sharing his perspective, trying to do his share of humanity.