Would You Launch It Or Not?

Three questions to ask before making product decisions

Shinyoung Park
The Startup


Elmo making decisions
image source

Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions. Our life is the set of decisions each of us has made. What time you wake up, what you eat, your habits and rituals are all based on decisions made every moment. In my personal life, I really believe big life decisions are based on my gut, which opens up huge opportunities that I couldn’t have imagined if I calculated the pros and cons. Some examples include leaving a cushy job in Korea to live in NYC, donating most of my stuff in 5 weeks, and left for Puerto Rico. Magic happens thanks to those decisions. I better trust my gut in my life decisions. I’ve been living it for my whole life. My gut feeling includes all of the complicated analysis, risks, alternatives because I’m in it.

As a PM, I also am living and breathing the product. However, there are a lot more variables than you as a single actor living your life. The data sets change, you might have unconscious biases, there are multiple data sources such as the user community and CS, strategic directions from the company might change, you have to communicate the decision with stakeholders, you have to clearly communicate with everyone why certain decisions need to be made. That’s why it’s important to have the framework instead of following your gut when it comes to product decisions…



Shinyoung Park
The Startup

Startup advisor via 500 Global and Techstars, one of the most influential women by FastCompany https://www.linkedin.com/in/shinyoungp/