Writing is a Dance With Creativity

How to make your dance beautiful

Lubov Leonova
The Startup


Source: Pixabay, Pexels

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”
- Martha Graham

Writing is a form of art, a trial to merge the elements and technique. Now answer the question — Is it possible to describe love? Not everyone can do it, but this task is easier if we know the trick. We can describe the gentle wind that whispers his name, the sweet taste of kiss on your lips, and the touch of the fingertips that gives you goose bumps.

As writers, we learn to find the beauty of love in details, and we learn how to express it. When I just stepped on my writing path, I had to walk in two directions — I learned how to use my imagination and I worked on on my writing techniques as well.

Writing is not just a pure creativity flow. But it is not a mechanical process when you move your hand. It is a beautiful dance of imagination and creativity. To make this dance beautiful, you should learn the steps and practice.

Let’s put boring creative writing courses aside and imagine the writing process as a dance.

First draft is your dance floor

Dance floor is the place where you watch and learn. The most important thing here is to relax and give the leading role to your imagination. Your main…



Lubov Leonova
The Startup

Writer. Poet. Incurable romantic 💕 I write about Inspiration, Relationships, and Self-development.