Writing Success Is Pretty Simple — It Comes Down to 3 Things

Tom Kuegler
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMar 3, 2020


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

For me, writing success is actually pretty simple.

I didn’t say easy — I said simple.

There’s no huge industry secret. There’s no inside information that only the top writers know. To build a stairway to heaven, there are three simple tactics you need to build into the foundation first.

The rest is built with hard work. Straight-up hard work and patience.

It could take two years. It could take hundreds of blog posts. Are you ready for that? Most aren’t — which is why they don’t see success. They write 30 posts, get 3,000 views, and think there’s no opportunity on the internet anymore.

The truth is, they haven’t even started. Here are my three tactics for writing success.

1. Publish Very, Very, Very, Very Often


Some very successful writers I know only publish once per week. That’s fine, but they’re the outliers as far as I’m concerned. And they probably already had a lot of experience writing online.

The big reason I want you to publish often is to build experience as a writer.

You never know what could topic really take off, too. That one throwaway post you wrote about going to jail…



Tom Kuegler
The Startup

Travel blogger. 30 years old. Currently in Mexico. Subscribe to my Substack: https://mindofawriter.substack.com/