Writing With ADHD

How to finish your projects

Ryan M. Danks
The Startup


Photo by Włodzimierz Jaworski on Unsplash

When I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD I searched far and wide for tips and tricks to help me finish my writing projects. The internet is full of nutrition guides and time hacks, but little is there for someone with a backlog of unfinished stories they got bored of before the first plot twist.

That was me for a long time. I’d get into a story, start writing it, and then get bored or overwhelmed around the halfway point and then dart for the next shiny new story. Because maybe the problem isn’t me, it’s the story.

Have you ever restarted the same story you abandoned six months ago, convinced that this time you could do it better?

Let’s stop that squirrel train and get our projects done.

Every ADHD brain is different, but these are the tips and tricks that have worked for me.

1. The Headlights Method

The famed novelist E. L. Doctorow had a writing method that I first discovered while reading James Scott Bell’s Plot and Structure (a book which I highly recommend to all but an ADHD author, we’ll get to why in a minute). Doctorow’s method works so well for ADHD that it allowed me to get several first drafts finished in very little time.



Ryan M. Danks
The Startup

Adventurer • Writer • Lover of coffee and good stories // ryanmdanks.com