Writing your really first mobile app in React-Native — simple To Do app

Lex Lemmens
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2019


Okay let’s start with a nerdy introduction… 🤓. React-Native is a framework (developed by Facebook) to write an iOS and Android App in a web development language called JavaScript and which converts to a cross-platform native app for iOS and Android. The advantage of this is that you can use the web development language you’re used to and have to learn and maintain only one language (JavaScript).

This is what we’re going to be using to build a really simple To Do app. We’re going to be using Expo to skip the hassle of setting up a project and to quickly be prototyping. For production apps you should look into React-Native CLI.


  • An account on https://snack.expo.io
  • Download the Expo App on Apple Store or Play Store
  • An Android or iPhone device

Getting started

Log in to https://snack.expo.io and create a new Snack. This will give you an example project like below.

Example of a newly created Snack.

Click on “Run on your device” in the emulator on the right side. This will give you a modal asking for your Device Id. This is located in the Expo App under the Projects tab (which you should have downloaded by now) on your Android / iPhone device.

