Xiaomi: The Innovator You Never Heard Of

Omar Zahran
The Startup
Published in
9 min readFeb 10, 2021


Image Credit: Alejandro Morgado via Unsplash

I grew up on the east coast of the United States and have spent the majority of my adult life in the midwest. And I remember the first time that I visited the west coast for a business trip, a few friends of mine that had lived in Southern California told me that I had to try In-N-Out Burger. They told me that it is by far the best fast food burger you could ever have. My skepticism rose as I thought how good could a fast-food hamburger really be? It was not just the quality of the food that impressed me but the layout and feel of the restaurant that just felt like this was the way that fast food should be. As I ventured back home after the trip, I felt two emotions. The first was the way that In-N-Out’s business model just made sense compared to McDonald’s or Burger King. The second was regret that this was exclusive to the west coast. Where the rest of the country was denied this experience.

I thought about this recently when seeing news of new wireless over the air charging tech that is being developed by Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi. The idea seemed so genius, that your phone can charge while in the vicinity of this base that will send waves that charge the battery without having to plug anything into the phone or to place the phone on a wireless charging pad. It is this sort of innovation that the Chinese company has now become known for, perhaps being the last…



Omar Zahran
The Startup

Freelance sports writer fascinated by the stories that our favorite teams and athletes present to us