Y and Z combinators in Javascript — Lambda Calculus with real code

Enrico Piccinin
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJun 7, 2019


Can you do recursion using only Javascript anonymous functions?

Certainly. Here the Factorial of a number in one line

const fact = x => (x === 0 ? 1 : x * fact(x - 1));

No, no. This is not anonymous. You name the function fact via a Javascript const and reference it within itself. I mean really anonymous, something like

(...params) => { // do stuff }

with no variables at all, no self references, no state, just pure functions. Can you do this?

Well, according to Lambda Calculus you can, using what are called Fixed-Point Combinators.

Let’s see them in action using real Javascript code.

Lambda Calculus in Javascript terms

In a very simple way, we can say that a Lambda Calculus is based on the use of unary functions, which mean functions with one parameter. Lambda functions are expressed in the form of λx.y, where x is the variable of the function and y is its body. Things like λx.y are called Lambda abstractions in Lambda calculus theory.

Therefore the natural translation of Lambda abstractions to Javascript are anonymous functions. Some examples



Enrico Piccinin
The Startup

A man with passion for code and for some strange things that sometimes happen in IT organizations. Views and thoughts here are my own.