K3s Installation in Raspberry Pi k8’s Cluster.

Fabio Fernandes
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2020


Before starting with Kubernetes installation, let’s do a quick recap about our raspberry pi cluster and hardware architecture.

This article can be applied to any computer cluster, bare-metal, on the cloud, or virtualized with the virtual box or docker in docker.
In my case I decided to create a bare-metal cluster based on Raspberry Pi computational units, you can check how to do it here.

At this moment, we have a 4 node raspberry pi configured and communicating with each other via fixed IPs. We also configured other details like timezone and firewalls to start to install our cluster.

The picture below is a reminder of what we have configured so far, except the NFS part (it will be in a future article).

Install K3s

The only script I used here is the official k3s installation script, found at https://get.k3s.io.

Everything else was configured manually. After learning how to do it manually, it’s easy to automatize the process with one of the several tools available in the market.



Fabio Fernandes
The Startup

I’ve been helping companies to transform their big ideas in profitable business for more than 20 years