You Are Who You Repeatedly Tell Yourself You Are

Robyn Norman
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2020


Change your mindset, and here’s how your world will transform.

Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

“To become a different kind of person is to experience the world differently. When your mind changes, the world changes. And when we respond differently to the world, the world responds differently to us.” — David Loy, in “Rethinking Karma”

When I think I know who I am, does that somehow shape or, more importantly, limit who I might be, or how I might transform with time? We hold on to lots of “I am’s” that may be doing us a disservice.

I am kind — except when I’m not. I am scared — sometimes. I am pretty good at engaging with people — except when I’m feeling insecure. I am bad at math, but is that because I haven’t spent time understanding it? I am tall — except that I’m shrinking, so how long will that last? I am thin — but as I get older, it can relate more to looking haggard than fit.

Researcher and author Carolyn Dweck, in “Mindset,” explores the difference between a fixed or a growth mindset. Someone with a fixed mindset believes that their basic qualities are carved in stone. A growth mindset is based on the belief that qualities are things we can cultivate…



Robyn Norman
The Startup

Therapist, mindfulness coach, writer. Obsessed with relationships and helping people enjoy them more.