You Can Now Buy Stock In Creators, Kind Of

BitClout: Having a Stake in YouTubers, Writers, and Influencers.

Sah Kilic
The Startup


Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash

Yes. You heard right.

When you buy a stock in a company, you get a piece of that company called a share. Depending on the value of the company, your shares are worth a certain amount. And generally speaking, you make money from this in two ways.

  1. Buying a share and then selling it for a higher price.
  2. Receiving a dividend from the share, i.e., sharing in the profits.

Then comes along BitClout.

BitClout is a marketplace and social media platform built on blockchain technology where any creator can sign up and create a token for themselves. People can create a profile, create posts, and buy these tokens using the $BitClout currency.

The kicker is that the creator will get a portion of any money made from this, and they get to set the percentage. The default is 10%, but a creator could set it to 0 or 100 if they so choose.

Screenshot of the author's profile.

I’ve been using BitClout for 24 hours, and here are my first impressions. Here’s how we’ll do this:



Sah Kilic
The Startup

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: 💪