You don’t have to be a great marketer

You just have to discover the answers to 4 questions

Andrei Rebegea
The Startup
5 min readJan 20, 2019


We are bombarded with Ads on a daily basis! Anthony Rosset on Unsplash

In order to grow your business, there are many “gurus” that say that in order to have success you have to be present on every platform so that people can find you everywhere. This is like shooting yourself in the foot just before you have to run a marathon…

In the “Ultimate Sales Machine”, Chet Holmes, who has worked with many Fortune 500 companies on growing their sales and marketing told a story about his karate journey. In order to get the Black Belt, he didn’t practice 4000 different moves, he practices 3–4 moves 4000 times each and became a master in those moves.

So if you adopt this philosophy to your business, you don’t have have a presence on every Social Media website. You just have to choose 1–2 and work on it until you master it and are getting new leads automatically on a daily basis.

Clarity of vision is the key to achieving your objectives. — Tom Steyer

Now let’s get back to the questions. No matter what platform you use you have to have an awesome copy. These questions are going to help you better creating your offer. As you can see in the photo below, simply creating a great product is not enough in order to succeed in business!

In order to create the best offer for your customers you have to answer 4 questions in all your communications:

  • What?
  • Why?
  • Who?
  • How?

Now let’s talk about each one and show you how you can use them in your business.

1. What?

The first question is referring to all the questions your customers can ask about your product. If you are just starting out and don’t have too many clients then Google is your friend. Find a similar product or service and see what people are saying about that, what questions they have. If you sell a physical product that can be found on look at everything that is said in the review section.

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. — Helen Keller

You will learn a lot about what you should point out in a conversation and in your marketing materials. This question is a logical question. Here are some examples of questions you could answer:

  • What are the main benefits of my products or service?
  • What are some problems my product or service solves?
  • What will be the transformation the client is going to experience after using your product or service?
  • What factors are people consider when shopping for products or services like the ones you offer?
  • What are 5 ways your clients can use your product or service?
  • be creative and create at least 10 “What” question and answer them

2. Why?

Now we move from the logical part to the emotional part. In his book, “Find your why”, Simon Sinek empathize on this question being the most important question a business owner can answer. He is somehow right because if you always know why you are doing something, you are going to work longer hours and get up when you get hit. As I am writing this paragraph, the clock indicated 03:00 AM and I am still writing. One of my new year resolutions is to decide each day on 3 important things and never go to sleep until I mark them as Done. This article was one of those things on my To Do List today.

Why can also help your customers identify with your brand and products. Customers now pay attention to companies that have a strong vision and good ideas. Here are some examples:

  • Uber — Mission statement — Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone — Why? — Because is bad to be stranded without easy access to reliable transportation.
  • Airbnb — Mission statement — To connect millions of people in real life all over the world, through a community marketplace– so that you can Belong Anywhere. — Why? — Because traveling could and should be so much more intimate than staying at hotels.
  • Bellroy — Mission statement — Because clunky, fat wallets are just wrong. — Why? — Because a fat wallet is literally a pain-in-the-a**.

Now is time for you to do the work. Get your smartphone and open a note and start answering the following questions:

  • Do people care about the problem I am solving?
  • Can I influence them to care more?
  • Why are you doing this?
  • Why should people care about your product or service?

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it! — Simon Sinek

3. Who?

Who are you serving? Who would you like to work with? Get inspired from this old commercial that Steve Jobs did for Apple back in the ‘80:

Identifying who your target market is can also help you better structure your message…

4. How?

When answering this question, you are going to focus on all your processes, what you do step-by-step. People are not so much interested in each detail, but they want to be assured that you can deliver what you promised. Be sure your process is very easy to understand by your prospect and you can explain it very easy and fast. Here you should also focus on how do you show someone that your product or service is the best solution to their problem.

What do you do next? Look over your answers and notes and think about how you could improve your message. If this article made you wonder if you are leaving money on the table by not optimizing your messages, the next step for you is to click on my Twitter profile below send me a Tweet. I respond to everything and I will do my best to help you craft your perfect message!

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Andrei Rebegea
The Startup

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