You Don’t Have To Be Pro-Life To Save Lives.

Tina Viju
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2019

The heartbeat bill passed in 6 states in America makes abortion illegal as soon as the fetal heartbeat is detected. Alabama’s abortion ban is even more extreme. There is no exception for rape or incest.

By signing the bill, I feel lawmakers are just trying to flash their ‘holier than thou’ badges and say-

We have such high morals. We value the LIFE of the unborn.

Sorry, your halo is not showing. But your red horns are!

First of all, when did we time travel back to the 18th century??

The ban sounds more like a law to control and persecute women than a law to save lives.

Where are all these ‘pro-lifers’ when single moms are struggling to make ends meet for their child?

If they really want to save lives they should set that big banner down and babysit those mom’s kids while she juggles 2 jobs.

Pro-life is beginning to sound real ‘Pro at minding other people’s business’ and ‘Pro at judging others’.

I had my own kids after a lot of fertility treatments. It was a stressful time with one disappointment after another. It was at that time that I heard a priest give a sermon about how fertility treatments were morally unacceptable and a sin. I so wanted to give him a piece of my mind and subject him to the 100 hormone injections I took.

What happens in a woman’s uterus is her business ONLY and not the government’s, the church’s or anyone else's.

My question to governors signing these bills is-

If you are REALLY Pro-life, why don’t you spend your time and energy on more pressing issues affecting people’s lives like Mental health, Gun violence and Drug addiction?

Mental Health Problems

According to a study published in the journal Psychiatric Services, there is an explosion of mental health problems in America. 8 million Americans have serious psychological distress, and many don’t have health insurance or access to effective treatment. (

More than 9 million Americans report having suicidal thoughts.

How does one get about their daily LIFE when they are plagued with such thoughts? How do they hold down a job?

Mental health problems are also on the rise among adolescents and young adults, and social media may be to blame for this increase. According to, a teen takes his or her own life every 100 minutes. Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24.

Don’t all those LIVES need to be saved?

Gun Violence

Firearms are the second leading cause of death for children and teens.

Compared to other high-income countries, American children aged 5 to 14 are 21 times more likely to be killed with guns.(

21 times ??? How about those lives?

When Davonte Friedman was asked what he wanted for his birthday, he didn’t ask for a big celebration, he only said-

“I’m glad I made it to see 18.”

He was shot and killed less than one week after turning 18.

Davonte Friedman giving a presentation on youth violence prevention to city council members in Baltimore, a few months before he was gunned down in a triple shooting.

Firearms are the leading cause of death for Black children and teens in America, and they are 14 times more likely than their white counterparts to die by gun homicide. (

Gun violence is concentrated in Black neighborhoods within cities, many of which are marked by high levels of poverty and joblessness and low levels of investment in education.

How unfair it is to a child that their zip code decides their life expectancy.

Children are harmed in numerous ways when they witness violence. They are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol suffer from depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder, resort to aggressive and violent behavior and engage in criminal activity.

Don’t their lives matter? Don’t their unwritten futures hold any value?

The Opioid Epidemic.

130+ people a day die from opioid-related drug overdoses.

Young adults, age 18 to 25 are the biggest abusers of prescription (Rx) opioid pain relievers, ADHD stimulants, and anti-anxiety drugs.

In 2017 alone, more than 70,200 Americans died from drug overdose, and more than two-thirds of those deaths were linked to opioids, with a growing proportion of those deaths tied to heroin and fentanyl. (

What about their LIVES?

Many of these people who died left behind in the wreckage broken families and orphaned children with wounds which will never heal.

What about their LIVES?

Mental health problems, gun violence, and substance abuse are all very closely linked. One can trigger the other and set the ball rolling down a dangerous path.

An unstable mind and guns do not make a good combination.

You don’t have to be a psychologist to conclude that a child carrying a gun to school to shoot his classmates is having serious mental illness problems and has slipped through the cracks.

These are all very complex and serious social issues threatening the LIVES of the already born.

How about some Pro-life bills that address these issues and save countless lives in a heartbeat?



Tina Viju
The Startup

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper