You Have 3 Choices In EVERY Situation — One Of Them Is ALWAYS Wrong

Brian Pennie, PhD
The Startup


“People are disturbed not by things, but by the views they take of them — Epictetus

Life is full of challenges, but problems only exist in our mind. If you disagree with this statement, ask yourself: “What problem exists right now?

You might answer:

I can’t pay my rent.

I’m afraid that my partner will leave me.

My job is too difficult.

It could be a million things, but I’ll ask you again: “What problem exists right now?

Problems only exist in the future, and are projected by your mind: I’m going to get evicted. My relationship is going to end. I’m going to lose my job. You can’t change these situations by thinking about them; that’s called worrying.

Challenges are different. Challenges exist in the moment, and this you can act on. You could work extra hours to pay for your rent. You could be more understanding with your partner. And you could work on your weaknesses to excel at your job.

It’s not always that simple, of course. Not every challenge can be acted upon. Sometimes you have to accept a situation for what it is. But most people don’t act, or accept what has already occurred. They fight with reality, agonizing over…



Brian Pennie, PhD
The Startup

Change is possible. I write to show that | Recovered heroin addict turned doctor.