You Just Lost Your Job… Here’s What to Do Next

Shannon Willoby
The Startup
Published in
8 min readDec 4, 2018


Don’t panic… here’s a plan of attack for your first jobless week

Resist the urge to turn into Depressed Pug (Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash)

So you’re newly unemployed and not sure what to do? Well, first of all, I’m sorry you’re going through this.

I know it feels like someone just dumped a heaping cup of stress, anxiety, and depression into the crockpot of your life and turned it on high. (Instant pot works too if you’re more into those.)

But things don’t have to boil over if you’re mindful of the way you handle things from here on out. (OK — crockpot analogy stops now.)

Before I get into your jobless plan of attack, the first thing you need to do is get out of the house and get into some vodka. (Or at least some jalapeño poppers.)

If there was ever a time for a pity party — or even the saddest happy hour that ever was — it’s now.

Resist the urge to molt into your couch.

Delete the angry email you just wrote to your boss.

Don’t cry into your dog’s fur. (There will be time for that later.)

Get out and try to have some fun — or at least vent. It’ll be comforting to be around family and friends and they’ll most likely feel bad enough for you that they’ll pay for your jalapeño poppers. (There’s always a bright side.)

