You Need 4 Systems to Build a Strong Business

Raise your efficiency, reduce your costs, and cure your headaches

Levi Borba
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2021


Prime Air Fulfillment system. Photo by William Warby

A bad entrepreneur only works for his own company. A fortunate one has his company working for him.

If you discovered this article, it means you have some entrepreneurial blood in your veins. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Small Business Hacks, and unleash your inner entrepreneur.

This is a piece of wisdom I heard during business school. My grandfather, father, and brother, all of them entrepreneurs later endorsed it. I also confirmed it when opening my first and second businesses. In fact, this is one of these aphorisms that every time we tested it, it proved to be true.

It is natural that we expect hoteliers to know about hospitality, car dealers to understand cars, or marketing agency owners to grasp Google Ads. But would we be wrong to assume that these same hoteliers are the best in receiving guests, car dealers are the best sales agent, and agency owners would be the best in creating Ad campaigns.

What differs a strong, scalable business from a firm doomed to stagnation (or worse) is the ability of its managers to create systems, adapt, and innovate. This makes an enterprise. Firms that neglect it, stagnate and disappear.

