You Won’t Get Anywhere Without Taking Risks

Risk is a fundamental part of life.

Tom Stevenson
The Startup



Risk is an inherent part of our lives. It is a factor no matter what we do.

Eating food is risky.

Leaving your house is risky.

Quitting your job to go travelling for a year is a risk.

No matter how averse to risk we are, it is everywhere. We can’t avoid it.

Hell, according to this article by The Guardian, our very existence is at risk from Nuclear Armageddon!

How you deal and live with risk will determine how successful and enjoyable your life will be.

Yet, a lot of us are averse to taking risks.

We let our dreams and wishes pale into insignificance because we are afraid to make the leap and take a chance.

We are seduced by stability and decide against taking the risk.

Risks are with us wherever we go. The more comfortable you become taking them, the better your life will be.

Why risk it?

I want to make it clear, I’m not encouraging people to go out and take ludicrous risks. I don’t want you to go mad and blast down the highway at 100 mph. That’s not taking a risk, that’s just being stupid.

