Your 9-to-5 is a Content Gold Mine. Use It.
The simple and effective way
I’ve been writing online for the last 4 years.
For the entirety of that time, I’ve worked a day job. I’ve managed to write over 1,200 articles and create 3 products. I’m a totally ordinary person. There’s nothing special about me or my life.
I just decided one day to start writing on the internet and never stopped, which ended up, transforming my life. Anyway, I know tonnes of people want to create on the internet but they think working 9-to-5 is a blocker.
It’s not, or at least, it hasn’t been for me. It’s been the opposite in my experience. My 9-to-5, in many respects, has been the source of my motivation for building part-time.
If you’re stuck, here’s how you can use (yes use) your day job to write on the internet, let’s dive in.
1. Walk through the things you learn
Whether it’s a presentation, a report, a project, or whatever, you’re learning.
You’re learning about people, about communication, about timing and about expectations. All of those things are really important for success in any career.
I’ve learned that when I write about the things I’m learning, I cement the lessons in my own head…