Your Art May Never Go Viral or Change the World — Make It Anyway

The Startup
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2017


If a piece of art is born and nobody sees it — does it mean anything?

Does it matter?

Sometimes, we hold ourselves back from the things we want to do because we’re afraid of what might happen — or rather, what might not happen. We don’t create that story, or write that song, or pursue that idea because we don’t think it will mean anything. We judge our work’s value before it even has the chance to exist. What’s the point? we ask. It doesn’t matter if I make this if nobody is going to care. If nobody gives a shit, why should I bother? I’ll just be wasting my time.

There are a thousand things I have yet to make or finish because on some level, I’m always fighting the fear that nobody will care in the end, and it won’t make a difference.

That it won’t matter.

But while it’s natural and beautiful for us to want to do work that matters, to make art that’s worth sharing and connecting over —

I still think that every piece of art we make legitimately exists and matters.

And we should make it regardless of whether or not anyone else cares.

Because you see, every time you make art, it fundamentally is being seen and experienced by you. You are the observer…

