Your Copywriting Sucks. Here’s How to Fix It.

Kristina Adams
The Startup
Published in
8 min readJan 22, 2018


Copywriting is often seen as the black sheep of the writing family.

People presume it’s not as interesting or romantic or fun to write as fiction or poetry.

And if that’s how you feel about copywriting, you’re approaching it all wrong.

Effective copywriting can be just as interesting and romantic as fiction or poetry. If it’s done right.

Trouble is, too many companies think they can do their own copywriting despite having no idea where to start (or finish).

You know where that leads?

To bankruptcy.

I’ve been writing for two thirds of my life. For most of that time, I resented copywriting.

However, copywriting is impossible to avoid when you work in marketing.

So, when I started a new job last year, I decided to take myself on a copywriting journey. I’ve done courses, read books, conducted experiments, rewritten book descriptions, and written a LOT of sales copy.

And now, I almost enjoy writing copy as much as I enjoy writing fiction and poetry.

You know why?

Because I realized that copywriting isn’t the bastard sibling of fiction and poetry like many people think; it’s their fraternal…



Kristina Adams
The Startup

Author, poet, blogger, marketer. Can be found under a pile of books with a vanilla latte. /