Your Day Job isn’t the Issue, Your Weeknights are

Liam Brodentel
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 22, 2019


It’s not adulting that’s keeping you too busy to chase your dreams

What were you doing on April 11th, 2019? I’ll give you a hint, it was a Thursday.

If you’re like most Americans, you woke up, did some combination of getting the kids to school and going to work, came home that afternoon, and ate dinner in front of a TV followed by doing some stuff on your phone before going to bed. Do you remember doing that?

What about October 12th, 2017?

If you’re like most Americans, you woke up, did some combination of getting the kids to school and going to work, etc, etc…something on your phone for a few hours on the couch, etc, etc, bed.

When you were a kid, was this what you dreamed your life would be like?

If you’re lucky enough to live to be 90, do you think you’ll look back on your life and say, “oh, my 20s! I remember reading the funniest Buzzfeed lists in my 20s. And, when I was 27, I spent a whole three months getting to level 90 of <insert phone app game here> after work on my couch. Those were the nights I really felt alive!”

You might be able to see where this article is going. “C’mon, another self righteous, self-help, article about maximizing your life, becoming some digital nomad minimalist, and throwing…

