Your Environment Might Be Killing Your Creativity

Pen to Paper
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 27, 2019


You need to get this right if you’re hoping to improve productivity in your work.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

You can get some juicy information from a teacher — especially when she’s your wife.

My English teacher-slash-wife loves to share with me experiences she has in the world of middle school. It’s seventh grade. You know, the season of life when a young girl’s fancy turns to boys and a young boy’s fancy turns to making life hell for the girls. Add a dash of puberty and family disfunction and you’ve got a hotbed of story ideas and dinner table conversations.

Thankfully, my wife is classy and not trashy. She shares her daily experiences without names to protect the guilty. It doesn’t take away from the thrill of the share, and it protects us both whenever we run into those parents and kids at the local grocery store. #awkward

One evening she shared with me about a particular girl in her class who is struggling. Where to begin.

  • Classic teen attitude
  • Not making the grades
  • General don’t-care attitude

After venting, my precious wife says to me, “You know, if I could just get her out of her environment, she would be a different person.”



Pen to Paper
The Startup

160 characters?! Fine. Minister, writer of all things relational, DJ, creative type. Lucky Charms are my kryptonite.