Your first iOS Application Using Xcode

How to Hello, World!

Steven Curtis
The Startup


You’ll need to have Xcode installed, but this tutorial takes it from there to producing your first App. If you are looking for a simple Swift tutorial, there is a guide HERE.

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging


  • Be able to produce a “Hello, World!” Swift application
  • Be able to download a repo from GitHub (If you choose you want to!)


Constraints: A constraint on the layout of a view

IDE: An application that provides a set of features that are used by software developers to create computer software

Project Navigator: Part of the Xcode interface that allows you to perform file operations

Storyboard: A visual representation of the User Interface of an App

Swift: An open source programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS and others

UILabel: A view used by UIKit that displays on or more lines of text

UIView: An object that manages the content for a rectangular area on the screen

Xcode: An IDE for creating Apps for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS

Why Hello World!?

Simple tutorials usually begin with a “Hello world” tutorial. Those outside the programming community…

