Your Freelance Revenue Is Causing Financial Instability. Here Are 5 Ways to Fix That.

If you’re only worried about making enough, you’re not worrying about the biggest issue.

Zulie Rane
The Startup


Photo by Craig Gary from Pexels

Over a year ago, I launched into my first full-time freelancing job. It was great. Very shortly after, I launched into my first full-time freelancing mental breakdown. It was less great.

For me, it was a really tough adjustment. In September 2020, I earned a regular amount of money every month at the same time. In October 2020, I earned wildly varying chunks of money seemingly at random.

I felt like I had no control. Money was coming in, money was going out, but my finances were unstable.

Over time, I developed a system that allowed me to regain control over my finances. Not only did this massively help with my mental health, but it also gave me back time and energy to build my business better.

Here are the five ways I fixed my financial instability (and put an end to my monthly stress-related collapses).

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Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.