Your Smart Tech Is Making You Dumb & Less Aware

Erik Brown
The Startup
Published in
10 min readJan 28, 2019


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

“People are paying less attention to things around them…Observation skills can be learned, but you have to be able to take your head out of your phone.”

former NYPD detective / current professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Joe Giacalone

I’ve spent the past 15 years of my life doing martial arts. I’ve been a student as well as a teacher. At times I’ve been asked by new students what is the most important skill they can learn? A type of punch or kick? How to release yourself from a choke? What quick thing could I teach them, which they could carry away with them and keep themselves immediately safer?

The answer to that question?


In my 15 years of study, I’ve seen the birth and wide adoption of the cell phone. Hence, I’ve seen a race of creatures birthed who zombie walk while their faces are smashed into their cell phone screen. That screen holds their gaze and blocks out all input from the rest of the world.

This zombie walking cell phone creature is a victim in waiting. A victim waiting to be followed. A victim waiting to be hit from behind. A victim waiting to be struck by car. A victim waiting to have the very phone they’re holding stolen out of their very hands.

