Your Subconscious Knows What You Need

Are you listening to what your mind is telling you?

Tess Wheeler
The Startup


Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash

Your subconscious mind is always at work processing the millions of experiences and sensations your brain receives every day. It’s an enormous bank vault containing everything that’s happened to you ever since you were a small child. It will go on receiving and collecting data until the day you die.

Not only that, it’s constantly working hard trying to make sense of all this information for you.

When you get that uneasy feeling that something’s not right, or when you do something without thinking, that gut instinct comes courtesy of your subconscious. It’s accessing stored knowledge and experience to make sense of a situation and keep you safe — natural self-preservation at its best.

I’ve read several articles recently that suggest we can put our subconscious mind to work solving problems that trouble our conscious mind. One suggestion is to write a letter to our subconscious, laying out the issue that’s bothering us and asking it to come back with a solution as soon as it has one. The idea is that our brain continues to work on the problem, sorting through its vault of knowledge, while we go about our daily business. This is a no-nonsense approach to tapping into the power of our super-computer brains. Anyone who has…



Tess Wheeler
The Startup

Reader, teacher, writer, and beach walker. I’m happy at home in the North East of England but plotting more adventures in this second half.