You’re a Nobody if You Have No Social Proof

The costly mistake made by new freelancers.

Mohammed Nadir
The Startup


In August of 2020, I launched my freelance writing business with a cold pitching campaign. I sent around 378 pitches to potential clients. But only got like 12 replies. And out of those 12, five had been interested in my services. I almost got a deal with one of them. But things went sideways.

The massive cold pitching campaign was a massive failure.

Looking back, the main ingredient those emails lacked was social proof. And social proof or credibility, according to Writers in Charge’s CEO Bamidele, is the most important asset you can have as a freelance writer.

After my experience, I do not doubt it. Those companies didn’t care much to hire me, not because they didn’t need my services. Many of them told me they do need them. But my lack of social proof most likely turned them off.

I don’t blame them. Had I been in their shoes, I wouldn’t have hired this inexperienced, nobody writer who only has a couple of articles published online. Why would I risk resources and my company’s reputation to this new freelancer?

But you know what could have compelled me to hire him? Social proof. If he showed me evidence that many people have found value in his written words, I would have…



Mohammed Nadir
The Startup

A writer | The Startup, Better Marketing, The Writing Cooperative, Thrive Global | Contact: