Titan Towing Goes Paperless With Swoop

Streamlining Towing Management From the Ground Up

Scott Strandberg
Swoop Blog
4 min readMay 8, 2018


Titan Towing opened for business in February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. The company has experienced steady growth over its nine-year history, as Titan now has four full-time drivers — including owner Kyle Coonrod — along with two part-time employees (a dispatcher and a bookkeeper). As Titan expanded throughout the Arlington and Fort Worth metro areas, Coonrod kept his eye out for ways to improve his company’s service.

While working with a large insurance company last October, Titan Towing got their first taste of the Swoop tow management software. “We started using Swoop for a one-week pilot. I played around with it, and I kept going back to it, taking a look at it here and there,” Coonrod explains. “I decided I really liked it. Now, we’ve been using Swoop full-time since February 1st.”

No Paper? No problem!

When Titan made the switch to Swoop, their primary goal was to go entirely paperless. As it turned out, the biggest surprise was just how easy that transition was. “We were able to move the business totally paperless, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years,” Coonrod says. “Once we started moving that direction, I had a one-week period where we were overlapping. We were writing tickets and using Swoop, so if we had any issues, we could fall back on the paper invoices.”

Not only did Titan get rid of the paper tickets entirely after that trial period, but Coonrod can’t recall writing one since. “After that week, we felt so confident that we pulled back the paper invoices,” he says. “We still carry clipboards just in case we need to write one, but the only time I can think of that being an issue would be with elderly people who might not have an email account.”

Titan Towing has experienced many benefits of using Swoop to go paperless, which go far beyond simply cutting costs by saving paper. Coonrod says it took a few weeks to get his customers used to it, but since then “they’ve gotten with the program. It’s working much better as far as getting timely payments.” The convenience of streamlining the billing process is not lost on Coonrod, who says he can now locate any invoice “in less than 60 seconds,” which is a major improvement over digging through paperwork to find specific invoices.

The Simplicity of Swoop Implementation

Beyond the multitude of benefits that come with going paperless, Titan Towing appreciates the ease of use that comes with Swoop. “Anybody from all different age ranges can deal with it. I have a driver in his fifties who doesn’t have any issues navigating through the app,” Coonrod says, pausing to think before continuing: “I’ve never even shown my bookkeeper anything on it. She just gets in there and tools around as she needs to, with no issues. We’ve never even had a conversation about it.”

On the few occasions that he has encountered issues with Swoop, Coonrod values how responsive the Swoop team is to his needs. Swoop assigns dedicated account managers to each customer, meaning there’s no need to repeatedly explain an issue to customer service reps. “I really like being able to just go to one person, versus calling a helpline and getting a new person every time,” he says. “That’s never a problem with Swoop.”

At the end of the day, Titan’s relationship with Swoop comes down to one overarching benefit. “Time is money. Last Friday, I got billing done in under an hour,” Coonrood explains. “Swoop probably saves me an hour or two a week, just on billing. That lets me concentrate on other stuff.”

If you are interested in learning more about Swoop, call the sales team at 415–360–3328 or visit joinswoop.com to download your free trial!

