Boosting: how to earn more
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2022

Implementation of SWIP-2 has reinvented, so we’ve composed a concise guide for investors to navigate the updated interface and get the most out of liquidity provided.

Step 1. Lock your liquidity

Estimate your investment horizon: the time span you are willing to provide liquidity. Lock the pool share tokens in farming for this time span to increase your Farm APR featuring your income from farming SWOP.

The farming efficiency of share tokens increases depending on the lock-up period:

  • by 20% if locked for 1 month
  • by 40% if locked for 3 months
  • by 60% if locked for 6 months
  • by 100% if locked for 12 months

Example. Providing liquidity to the SWOP-USDN pool with an option to withdraw liquidity at any time brings you Farm APR of 25%. Locking liquidity for 6 months increases your Farm APR to 25 × 1.6 = 40%.

Please note: If other liquidity providers also lock their share tokens, your real Farm APR may not grow as much, since the liquidity lock-up does not increase the pool’s total SWOP reward, but only redistributes it among the providers.

  1. Go to the Farming page and find your pool.
  2. If you haven’t added share tokens to farming yet, click Add to farming and select the lock-up period.
  3. If your share tokens are already in farming, expand your pool line, click Lock and select the lock-up period.

Step 2: Boost your pool

Boosting is a way to earn additional income from SWOP farming by voting for the pool weight. Boost APR can reach ½ Farm APR. The maximum Boost APR is achieved when the share of your votes in the total number of votes for the pool weight is equal to your share in the pool liquidity.

Your governance power is expressed in gSWOP. Amount of gSWOP corresponds to the amount of SWOP staked; you can also get bonus gSWOPs (more on that in the next step).

Example. If your Farm APR is 40%, your Boost APR can reach 20% and your total SWOP APR can be up to 60% thanks to boosting with the recommended amount of gSWOP.

  1. Go to the Boosting page.
  2. Expand your pool line and find out how many gSWOPs you should add for maximum boosting.
  3. Compare it with how many available gSWOPs you have; stake more SWOPs if necessary.
  4. Click Boost and add the recommended amount of gSWOP.

Step 3: Double your staking rewards

Farming brings rewards in the SWOP token. Stake these rewards directly to get twice as much gSWOP compared to staking SWOP from your wallet.

Now it is gSWOP but not SWOP that:

  • brings staking rewards,
  • boosts the pools, votes for new pools and in surveys,
  • gives a discount on swap fees.

Example. Staking 100 SWOP from your wallet gives you 100 gSWOP. Staking 100 SWOP directly from farming gives you 200 gSWOP, so your staking income is twice as high.

  1. Go to the Farming page and find out how many SWOPs you get.
  2. Click Harvest.
  3. Click Stake x2.

The same bonus applies to direct staking of SWOP staking rewards.

Bonus gGWOPs are retained until you withdraw any amount of SWOP from staking.

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