
Nometsu: Short Entry Collection 1 (Naruto FanFic)


Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

Phase 1:

(Nometsu: Activating Sharingan) My Sharingan flares to life, tomoe spinning as I gauge Void’s stance. Inner thought: Every move must be anticipated.

(Void: Launching a flurry of kunai) Void hurls a barrage of kunai at me, testing my reflexes. “Show me what you’ve got!”

(Nometsu: Deflecting kunai with a kunai) I draw my kunai, deflecting his projectiles with precise strikes. Inner thought: Basic attacks first, feel out his rhythm.

(Void: Rushing forward with a taijutsu strike) Void closes the distance, aiming a swift kick at my ribs. Inner thought: Quick and strong.

(Nometsu: Blocking and countering with a punch) I block his kick with my forearm and counter with a punch to his midsection. Inner thought: Use his momentum against him.

(Void: Dodging and retaliating with an uppercut) Void twists away, delivering a powerful uppercut. Inner thought: He’s fast.

(Nometsu: Taking the hit, retaliating with a roundhouse kick) The uppercut connects, pain exploding in my jaw. I spin into a roundhouse kick. Inner thought: Pain is a reminder, stay focused.

(Void: Blocking the kick, aiming for a leg sweep) Void blocks my kick and attempts a leg sweep to unbalance me. Inner thought: His technique is solid.

(Nometsu: Jumping to avoid the sweep, countering with a downward punch) I leap over his leg sweep, aiming a punch at his shoulder as I descend. Inner thought: Maintain the pressure.

(Void: Sidestepping, delivering a knee to my midsection) Void sidesteps, driving his knee into my stomach. Inner thought: He’s relentless.

(Nometsu: Absorbing the blow, retaliating with a headbutt) I absorb the impact, retaliating with a headbutt. Inner thought: Close the distance, make it personal.

(Void: Staggering back, launching a Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu) Void staggers, then forms hand seals, launching Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. “Burn!”

(Nometsu: Evading the fireball with a swift leap) I leap to the side, evading the scorching flames. Inner thought: Keep moving, never be a stationary target.

(Void: Charging forward with a spinning kick) Void charges, spinning into a kick aimed at my head. Inner thought: He’s trying to corner me.

(Nometsu: Ducking and countering with a sweep kick) I duck under his kick, sweeping his legs from under him. Inner thought: Bring him down to my level.

(Void: Rolling back to his feet, launching shuriken) Void rolls back and quickly throws a set of shuriken. “Think fast!”

(Nometsu: Deflecting shuriken with kunai, closing the distance) I deflect the shuriken with my kunai, closing the distance. Inner thought: Stay close, limit his options.

(Void: Engaging in close combat, throwing punches and kicks) Void throws a series of punches and kicks, aiming for my vital points. Inner thought: His precision is impressive.

(Nometsu: Blocking and countering with quick jabs) I block and counter with quick jabs to his torso. Inner thought: Find the opening, exploit it.

(Void: Taking a hit, creating a shadow clone) Void takes a hit, then creates a shadow clone to flank me. “Two against one now!”

(Nometsu: Engaging both Void and his clone) I fend off both Void and his clone, weaving between their attacks. Inner thought: This complicates things.

(Void: Clone attacking from the side, main Void from the front) The clone attacks from the side while Void strikes from the front. Inner thought: They’re coordinated.

(Nometsu: Using Substitution Jutsu to escape) I replace myself with a log, escaping their combined assault. Inner thought: Time to up the ante.

(Void: Clone dispersing, preparing a Wind Style: Gale Palm) The clone disperses as Void forms hand seals for Wind Style: Gale Palm. “Feel the wind’s wrath!”

(Nometsu: Using Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu) I counter with Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu, launching small fireballs. Inner thought: Fire against wind, create chaos.

(Void: Wind technique dispersing fireballs, rushing in) Void’s wind technique disperses my fireballs as he rushes in again. Inner thought: He’s determined.

(Nometsu: Engaging in close combat, using Sharingan to predict movements) I engage in close combat, my Sharingan predicting his every move. Inner thought: Stay one step ahead.

(Void: Using enhanced strength in taijutsu strikes) Void’s punches grow stronger, his chakra enhancing his strength. Inner thought: He’s using the Nine Tails’ power.

Phase 2:

(Nometsu: Taking a hit, activating Mangekyo Sharingan) A punch lands hard, and I activate my Mangekyo Sharingan. Inner thought: Time to change the game.

(Void: Noticing the change, entering Chakra Mode) Void’s eyes widen as he enters Chakra Mode, the Nine Tails’ power enveloping him. “Let’s see your true power!”

(Nometsu: Summoning Susanoo’s ribcage for defense) I summon the ribcage of Susanoo, its ethereal bones shielding me. Inner thought: Defense first.

(Void: Charging a Rasengan) Void charges a Rasengan, its swirling chakra growing larger. Inner thought: Powerful, but predictable.

(Nometsu: Phasing through with Kamui) I activate Kamui, phasing through the Rasengan as it hurtles towards me. Inner thought: Intangibility is my shield.

(Void: Forming a Tail Beast Bomb) Void leaps back, forming a massive Tail Beast Bomb. “This ends now!”

(Nometsu: Preparing Susanoo’s full form for defense) I manifest Susanoo’s full form, its towering presence ready to defend. Inner thought: This will be a test of strength.

(Void: Launching the Tail Beast Bomb) The Tail Beast Bomb hurtles towards me, an unstoppable force of destruction. Inner thought: Even Susanoo might not withstand this.

(Nometsu: Activating Amaterasu to counter) Black flames of Amaterasu erupt from my eyes, consuming the Tail Beast Bomb mid-air. Inner thought: Burn everything to ashes.

(Void: Deflecting the flames with a Tail Beast Cloak swipe) Void swipes through the black flames with his Tail Beast Cloak, dispersing them. “You’ll need more than that.”

(Nometsu: Creating shadow clones for a coordinated attack) I create three shadow clones, each one forming hand seals for Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu. Inner thought: Overwhelm him with numbers and power.

(Void: Countering with Wind Style: Great Breakthrough) Void inhales deeply and unleashes a massive gust of wind, scattering my fireballs and clones. Inner thought: His wind counters my fire perfectly.

(Nometsu: Using Genjutsu to create an opening) I weave a Genjutsu, casting an illusion of me rushing towards Void from the left. Inner thought: Deceive and strike from the right.

(Void: Falling for the illusion, attacking the false Nometsu) Void swings at the illusion, leaving his right side exposed. Inner thought: Now!

(Nometsu: Striking with a Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu) I unleash Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu, sending a barrage of small fireballs at Void. Inner thought: Hit him while he’s vulnerable.

(Void: Summoning the Nine Tails’ chakra arms to block) Chakra arms sprout from Void’s back, swatting away the fireballs. “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that.”

(Nometsu: Activating Tsukuyomi) I lock eyes with Void, casting Tsukuyomi. Inner thought: Trap him in an illusion where I control everything.

(Void: Resisting the Genjutsu with the Nine Tails’ power) Void’s chakra flares, breaking the illusion. “Cheap tricks won’t work on me!”

(Nometsu: Using Susanoo’s arm to grab Void) My Susanoo’s arm extends, grabbing Void in its massive hand. Inner thought: Hold him still, just for a moment.

(Void: Using a Bijuu-enhanced Rasengan to break free) Void concentrates his chakra into a Bijuu-enhanced Rasengan, shattering Susanoo’s grip. “You can’t contain me!”

(Nometsu: Summoning Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu) I perform hand seals for Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu, a massive dragon-shaped flame surges towards Void. Inner thought: Overpower him with sheer force.

(Void: Countering with Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere) Void counters with Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere, the wind bullets tearing through my dragon flame. Inner thought: His wind techniques are relentless.

(Nometsu: Engaging in close combat, using Sharingan to predict movements) I close the distance, using my Sharingan to anticipate and dodge Void’s strikes. Inner thought: Every movement must be precise.

(Void: Switching to a taijutsu barrage) Void switches to a rapid taijutsu assault, his fists blazing with chakra. “Let’s see how you handle this!”

(Nometsu: Using Substitution Jutsu to evade) I replace myself with a log, evading Void’s furious punches. Inner thought: Stay one step ahead.

(Void: Charging a Tail Beast Bomb in close quarters) Void charges another Tail Beast Bomb at point-blank range. “No escape this time!”

(Nometsu: Activating Susanoo’s full form) My Susanoo fully materializes, its colossal form dwarfing Void. Inner thought: Meet overwhelming power with overwhelming power.

(Void: Striking Susanoo with a Bijuu-enhanced punch) Void’s punch lands on Susanoo, cracking its armor. “This won’t hold!”

(Nometsu: Focusing Amaterasu on Void’s arm) I concentrate Amaterasu on Void’s arm, the black flames consuming it. Inner thought: Force him to back off.

(Void: Using the Nine Tails’ chakra to extinguish the flames) Void channels the Nine Tails’ chakra to smother the black flames. “Persistent flames, but not enough!”

(Nometsu: Summoning a torrent of shuriken with Sharingan precision) I throw a torrent of shuriken, each one enhanced with lightning chakra. Inner thought: Every shuriken must strike true.

(Void: Deflecting with a whirlwind of chakra tails) Void spins, his chakra tails forming a protective whirlwind, deflecting the shuriken. Inner thought: His defenses are formidable.

(Nometsu: Activating Izanagi for a decisive strike) I activate Izanagi, warping reality to create an opening. Inner thought: This will cost me, but it must be done.

(Void: Sensing the shift, preparing for a counter) Void senses the shift in reality, his eyes narrowing. “What trickery is this?”

(Nometsu: Appearing behind Void with a Chidori ready) I appear behind Void, Chidori poised to strike. Inner thought: The end is near.

(Void: Reacting with a Tail Beast Cloak spin) Void spins, his Tail Beast Cloak absorbing most of the Chidori’s impact. “Not fast enough!”

(Nometsu: Switching to Susanoo’s sword for a heavy blow) I switch to Susanoo’s sword, swinging it down with all my might. Inner thought: This strike must land.

(Void: Blocking with a Tail Beast Bomb) Void blocks the sword with a newly formed Tail Beast Bomb, the impact shaking the ground. Inner thought: His power is terrifying.

(Nometsu: Summoning clones for a simultaneous attack) I create shadow clones, each one attacking from different angles. Inner thought: Overwhelm him from all sides.

(Void: Creating a chakra barrier to defend) Void erects a chakra barrier, blocking the clones’ attacks. “You’ll need more than numbers.”

(Nometsu: Combining Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation with clones) My clones and I unleash Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation, a wall of flames surging forward. Inner thought: Burn everything away.

(Void: Summoning the Nine Tails’ full form) Void roars, summoning the full form of the Nine Tails. The beast’s presence is overwhelming. “Feel the wrath of the Nine Tails!”

(Nometsu: Using Susanoo to its limit) I push Susanoo to its limit, its armor cracking under the strain. Inner thought: Hold, just a little longer.

(Void: Charging a final Tail Beast Bomb) Void and the Nine Tails charge a final, enormous Tail Beast Bomb. “This is the end, Nometsu!”

(Nometsu: Pouring all chakra into one last Amaterasu) I pour all my remaining chakra into one last Amaterasu, the black flames consuming the Tail Beast Bomb as it explodes. Inner thought: This must be enough.

(Void: Surviving the blast, barely standing) Void survives the explosion, his chakra cloak flickering. “You’re tougher than I thought.”

(Nometsu: Barely conscious, preparing one final attack) I stagger, barely conscious, summoning the last of my chakra for one final attack. Inner thought: This will end it.

(Void: Charging with a final rasengan) Void charges at me with a final Rasengan, determination in his eyes. “Let’s finish this!”

(Nometsu: Collapsing as the Rasengan connects) The Rasengan connects, and I collapse, the pain overwhelming. Inner thought: Darkness closing in…

(Void: Falling beside me, equally exhausted) Void collapses beside me, his chakra depleted. “It’s… over.”

Dear SwornSlayer Diary,

The battle today was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. Facing Void, with his Nine Tails’ power, tested every skill, every ounce of chakra I had. We started with careful, tactical strikes, each testing the other’s defenses. As the fight escalated, our true strengths were revealed. My Mangekyo Sharingan and his Chakra Mode clashed in a chaotic symphony of destruction.

Fire, wind, and raw chakra filled the air, each attack met with a counter, every strategy tested to its limit. In the end, it was our resilience that defined the battle. We both fell, exhausted, each knowing that this was a fight neither could truly win. For now, the world remains safe, if only for a moment longer.

The taste of defeat is bitter, but so too is the knowledge that I gave everything. Tomorrow, we recover and prepare, for there will always be another battle on the horizon.



SwornSlayer God
SwornSlayer Diaries Fanfiction Fantasy Focused

The SwornSlayer God serves as the unseen guide and observer of the SwornSlayers. They are the silent witness to the vows made and the quests undertaken.